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Dimethyl Sulfoxide

  • Назва прадукту: Dimethyl sulfoxide
  • Іншыя імёны: DMSO
  • Кас No.: 67-68-5
  • Чысціня: 99.9%
  • MF: C2H6OS
  • Знешні выгляд: Бескаляровая вадкасць
  • Пакет: Барабан
  • Сертыфікат: ISO
  • Ужыванне: It is a highly versatile organic solvent with a variety of industrial and research applications. It is used in various industries and fields
  • Узор: Даступны

Адпраўце нам ліст


4 + 3 =

Дэталь прадукту

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a sulfur-containing organic compound, the molecular formula is C2H6OS, at room temperature is colorless odorless transparent liquid, is a hygrometric flammable liquid. With high polarity, high boiling point, good thermal stability, aprotic, and water miscible characteristics, can dissolve in ethanol, propanol, benzene and chloroform and other most organic matter, known asuniversal solvent”. In the presence of acid, heating will produce a small amount of methyl mercaptan, formaldehyde, dimethyl sulfur, mesylate and other compounds. Decomposition phenomenon at high temperatures, chlorine can occur violent reaction, burning in the air issued a light blue flame. It can be used as organic solvent, reaction medium and intermediate of organic synthesis. It can also be used as dye solvent, dye remover, dye carrier and absorbent for recovering acetylene and sulfur dioxide of synthetic fibers.

Параметр прадукту

Сінонімы Methylsulfinylmethane, Dermasorb
Хімічная формула C2H6OS Нумар CAS 67-68-5
Малярная маса 78.13 г·моль−1
Знешні выгляд Бескаляровая вадкасць
Шчыльнасць 1.1004 g⋅cm−3
Тэмпература плаўлення 19 °C (66 °F; 292 К)
Кропка кіпення 189 °C (372 °F; 462 К)
Ціск пары 0.556 millibars or 0.0556 kPa at 20 °
Кіслотнасць (pKa) 35
Паказчык праламлення 1.479
Тэмпература ўспышкі 89 °C (192 °F; 362 К)
Растваральнасць Not soluble in Diethyl ether
Растваральнасць у вадзе Miscible
Стабільнасць Stable.Incompatiblewithaverywiderangeofmaterials,includingacidchlorides,strongacids,strongoxidizingagents,
часопіс П -1.35
Умовы захоўвання Захоўваць пры тэмпературы ад +5°C да +30°C.



1. Solvent: DMSO is a polar solvent that can dissolve many organic and inorganic substances. Due to its high solubility and low toxicity, it is widely used in chemical laboratories as a solvent and reaction medium, especially in the field of organic synthesis and drug research.

2. Медыцынская сфера: DMSO has good penetration and can promote the absorption and penetration of drugs. Therefore, chemical dimethyl sulfoxide is commonly used as a carrier of drug delivery, and is used in local treatment, treatment of skin diseases and development of transdermal drug delivery systems.

3. Cell cryopreservation: DMSO is widely used in the field of biology, especially in cell cryopreservation plays an important role. It can be used as a component of cell freeze solution to effectively prevent crystallization and damage caused by cell freezing, so that cells can be preserved and restored to activity for a long time.

4. Industrial applications: DMSO can be used as a lubricant, solvent or additive for metal processing, plastic products, dyes and pigments production and other industrial fields. It can also be used in electrolyte solutions and electrochemistry.

5. Life science research: DMSO has a wide range of applications in life science research including molecular biology, cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. It can be used as reagent and reagent solvent for cell culture, DNA extraction, PCR and other experimental operations.

Шматразовае выкарыстанне прадуктаў

It use in Pharmaceutical Industry,Хімічная вытворчасць,Лабараторыі і навукова-даследчая база,Medical and Healthcare Industry,

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