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  • Назва прадукту: Dimethylacetamide
  • Кас No.: 127-19-5
  • Чысціня: 99.9%
  • MF: C4H9NO
  • Знешні выгляд: Бескаляровая вадкасць
  • Пакет: Барабан
  • Сертыфікат: ISO
  • Ужыванне: It is a versatile organic solvent that is used in various industries for different purposes
  • Узор: Даступны

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7 + 11 =

Дэталь прадукту

Dimethylacetamide, full name N, n-dimethylacetamide, abbreviated DMAC or DMA. A polar solvent commonly used as an aprotic solvent. Colorless transparent liquid, вогненебяспечны. It can be mixed with organic solvents such as water, alcohol, эфір, ester, бензол, trichloromethane and aromatic compounds. It is also used as a solvent for spinning polyacrylonitrile and an extractive distillation solvent for separating styrene from C-8 fractions. It is prepared by the action of dimethylamine with acetyl chloride.

Параметр прадукту

Хімічная формула C4H9NO Нумар CAS 127-19-5
Малярная маса 87.122 г·моль−1
Знешні выгляд Бескаляровая вадкасць
Пах Ammoniacal
Шчыльнасць 0.937 г/мл
Тэмпература плаўлення −20 °C (−4 °F; 253 К)
Кропка кіпення 165.1 °C; 329.1 °F; 438.2 К
Ціск пары 300 Pa
Паказчык праламлення 1.4375
Тэмпература ўспышкі 63 °C (145 °F; 336 К)
Растваральнасць >1000g/l soluble
Растваральнасць у вадзе Miscible
Стабільнасць Стабільны. Гаручы. Несумяшчальны з моцнымі акісляльнікамі.
часопіс П −0.253
Умовы захоўвання Store below +30°C.



1. Solvent: Dimethylacetamide is a polar solvent with a high solubility, able to dissolve many organic and inorganic substances. It is widely used in organic synthesis as reaction solvent, extractant and extractant.

2. Палімерная прамысловасць: DMAC can be used as a solvent or additive in the synthesis of polymer compounds, polyamides and other polymer applications. It helps to improve the solubility and processing properties of polymers, and is widely used in fiber, film, coating and other fields.

3. Фармацэўтычная прамысловасць: Dimethylacetamide has many applications in the pharmaceutical industry. It can play an important role in drug synthesis, preparation and drug delivery as solvent and delivery agent. Адначасова, chemical dimethylacetamide has the properties of increasing drug solubility and promoting drug absorption.

4. Electronics industry: DMAc can be used as a solvent and cleaning agent in the manufacture of electronic devices. It plays an important role in the application of coatings, inks, batteries and other fields.

5. Textile industry: Dimethylacetamide is an important chemical in the textile industry. It can be used as a cellulose dissolving agent for applications such as cellulose spinning and cellulose chemical modification.

Шматразовае выкарыстанне прадуктаў

Яго выкарыстоўваюць у хімічнай вытворчасці,Фармацэўтычная прамысловасць,Polymer and Plastics Industry,Тэкстыльная прамысловасць,Coatings and Paints Industry,Аграхімічная прамысловасць,Paint and Coatings Industry,

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