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  • Назва прадукту: N-метилацетамид
  • Кас No.: 79-16-3
  • Чысціня: 99%
  • MF: C3H7NO
  • Знешні выгляд: Colourless solid
  • Пакет: Cardboard drum
  • Сертыфікат: ISO
  • Ужыванне: Mainly used as solvent in organic synthesis,such as the synthesis of cephalosporins in pharmacy.To some other organics it has good property to dissolve them. Intermediates for pesticide.
  • Узор: Даступны

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14 + 15 =

Дэталь прадукту

N-метилацетамид (NMA) is an organic compound with the formula C3H7NO that consists of a methyl group and a acetamide group attached to a nitrogen atom. N-methylacetamide is a colorless liquid that has a high boiling and melting point and is soluble in water and many organic solvents.

Параметр прадукту

Хімічная формула C3H7NO Нумар CAS 79-16-3
Малярная маса 73.09
Знешні выгляд Colourless solid
Пах No smell
Шчыльнасць 0.957 г/мл і 25 °C (літ.)
Тэмпература плаўлення 26-28 °C (літ.)
Кропка кіпення 204-206 °C (літ.)
Ціск пары 12-3680Pa at 15-113°C
Кіслотнасць (pKa) 16.61±0.46(Predicted)
Quality standard Content ≥99% ; Moisture ≤0.2%
Паказчык праламлення n20/D 1.433(літ.)
Тэмпература ўспышкі 227 °F
Растваральнасць miscible with ethanol, эфір, ацэтон, water, хлараформ, бензол
Растваральнасць у вадзе soluble
Стабільнасць Стабільны. Гаручы. Несумяшчальны з моцнымі акісляльнікамі.
часопіс П -1.05–0.7 пры 25°C
Пакет 200 liter plastic drum
Умовы захоўвання Inert atmosphere,Room Temperature



1. Solvent: N-methylacetamide has high solubility and can be used as a solvent for organic synthesis reactions. It can dissolve many organic compounds, including compounds that cannot be dissolved by many solvents.

2. Extractant of alcohols and amino acids: N-methylacetamide can be used as extractant of alcohols and amino acids. In the chemical separation and purification process, chemical N-methylacetamide can be separated and purified by forming complex complexes for selective extraction with specific compounds.

3. Polymerization reaction: N-methylacetamide can be used as a catalyst or reaction medium for some polymerization reactions. Напрыклад, it can be used as a reaction medium in the synthesis of polymers such as polyurethanes, polyurea and polyamides.

4. Drug and biochemical research: N-methylacetamide can be used as a reagent in drug and biochemical research. It can be used as an intermediate in the synthesis of drugs, or as a solvent and catalyst in reactions.

Шматразовае выкарыстанне прадуктаў

It use in Pharmaceutical Industry,Хімічная вытворчасць,Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals Research,Тэкстыльная прамысловасць ,Прамысловасць фарбавальнікаў і пігментаў,

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