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Isopropyl Alcohol

  • Nazwa produktu: Isopropyl alcohol
  • Inne nazwy: IPA
  • Nr CAS: 67-63-0
  • Czystość: 99.5%
  • MF: (CH3)2CHOH
  • Wygląd: Bezbarwna ciecz
  • Pakiet: Bęben
  • Certyfikat: ISO
  • Aplikacja: Various kind of industry use this chemical such as Pharmceutical,Medical,Cosmetics Industry
  • Próbka: Dostępny

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Szczegóły produktu

Isopropyl alcohol (IPA), also known as 2-propyl alcohol, jest związkiem organicznym, is the isomer of n-propyl alcohol, bezbarwna, przezroczysta ciecz, has a mixture of ethanol and acetone odor, soluble in water, but also soluble in alcohol, eter, benzene, chloroform i inne rozpuszczalniki organiczne. Isopropyl alcohol is an important chemical product and raw material, mainly used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, plastics, fragrances, coatings and so on.

Parametr produktu

Synonimy Propan-2-ol, 2-PropanolIsopropanolRubbing alcoholsec-Propyl alcohol, 2-Hydroxypropanei-PrOHDimethyl carbinolIPA
Wzór chemiczny (CH3)2CHOH Numer CAS 67-63-0
Masa cząsteczkowa 60.096 g/mol Numer 1219
Wygląd Bezbarwna ciecz
Zapach Pungent alcoholic odor
Gęstość 0.786 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Temperatura topnienia −89 °C (−128 °F; 184 K)
Temperatura wrzenia 82.6 °C (180.7 °F; 355.8 K)
Ciśnienie pary 33 mm Hg ( 20 °C)
Kwasowość (pKa) 16.5
Współczynnik załamania światła 1.3776
Temperatura zapłonu Open cup: 11.7 °C (53.1 °F; 284.8 K)
Closed cup: 13 °C (55 °F)
Rozpuszczalność Miscible with benzene, chloroform, ethanol, diethyl ether, glycerol; soluble in acetone
Rozpuszczalność w wodzie Miscible with water
Stabilność Volatile
log P −0.16
Stan przechowywania Przechowywać w temperaturze od +5°C do +30°C.



1. Industrial cleaning agents and solvents: Isopropyl alcohol is widely used as cleaning agents and solvents in industry. It dissolves and removes grease, paint, glue, resin and other dirt. Isopropyl alcohol is used in the printing, paint and coatings industries to clean equipment and surfaces, as well as to clean electronic components and mechanical parts.

2. Pharmaceutical industry: chemical Isopropyl alcohol is an important raw material and solvent in the pharmaceutical industry. It is widely used in solvent extraction and extract preparation of drugs, as well as in drug washing and purification processes.

3. Hand disinfectants and disinfectants: Isopropyl alcohol is often used as one of the ingredients of hand disinfectants and disinfectants due to its bactericidal and disinfection properties. In Settings such as healthcare, the food industry and laboratories, isopropyl alcohol can help kill and prevent the spread of pathogens.

4. Cosmetics and personal care products: Isopropyl alcohol can be used as a solvent and thickener in cosmetics and personal care products. It helps to blend and stabilize the ingredients of cosmetics, such as toners, mouth washes and shampoos.

5. Coolant: Due to its low boiling point and rapid evaporation characteristics, isopropyl alcohol is often used as a coolant, which plays a cooling role in temperature control and heat transfer process.

6. Cutting solution: Isopropyl alcohol can be used as cutting solution in printing, painting and coating industries. It can dilute and adjust the concentration of pigments and coatings, improve work efficiency and coating quality.

Wiele zastosowań produktów

It use in Healthcare and Medical Industry,Przemysł farmaceutyczny,Laboratories and Research Facilities,Branża elektroniczna,Manufacturing Industry,Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry,Printing and Graphics Industry,Pharmaceutical Compounding