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  • наименование товара: Циклогексанон
  • Другие имена: CYC
  • Кас Нет.: 108-94-1
  • Чистота: 99.95%
  • МФ: C6H10O
  • Появление: Colorless liquid
  • Упаковка: Барабан
  • Сертификат: ИСО
  • Приложение: It used as a solvent and in the production of various materials. It has a wide range of applications in different industries
  • Образец: Доступный

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Информация о продукте

Cyclohexanone is an organic compound consisting of carbonyl carbon atoms contained within a six-membered ring. Colorless transparent liquid with an earthy smell and a minty taste when containing traces of phenol. Impurity is light yellow, with the storage time to generate impurities and color, water white to grayish yellow, with a strong pungent odor. Mixed with air the explosive electrode is the same as the open chain saturated ketone. In the industry is mainly used as organic synthesis raw materials and solvents, such as it can dissolve cellulose nitrate, paint, paint and so on.

Параметр продукта

Синонимы oxocyclohexane, pimelic ketone, ketohexamethylene, cyclohexyl ketone, ketocyclohexane, hexanon, Hydrol-O, Sextone, К, Anone
Химическая формула C6H10O Количество CAS 108-94-1
Молярная масса 98.15 г/моль
Появление Colorless liquid
Запах peppermint or acetone-like
Плотность 0.9478 г/мл, жидкость
Температура плавления −47 °C (−53 °F; 226 К)
Точка кипения 155.65 °С (312.17 °Ф; 428.80 К)
Давление газа 5 мм рт.ст. (20°С)
Кислотность (пКа) 17(at 25°C)
Показатель преломления 1.447
точка возгорания 44 °С (111 °Ф; 317 К)
Растворимость Miscible in all organic solvents
Растворимость в воде 8.6 g/100 mL (20 °С)
Стабильность Стабильный. Горючий. Несовместим с сильными окислителями.
log P 0.81
Условия хранения Хранить при температуре от +5°C до +30°C..



1. Химическая индустрия: CYC is an important organic solvent, which is widely used in the chemical industry. It can be used to dissolve and dilute many organic substances such as resins, cellulose and plastics. Chemical cyclohexanone is also a commonly used intermediate that is used in organic synthesis to synthesize other compounds.

2. Полимерная промышленность: cyclohexanone can be used as a solvent and plasticizer for polymers. It can make the polymer soft and plastic, improve the processing performance of the polymer. В то же время, cyclohexanone can also participate in the synthesis process of polyamide, polyester, polyether and other polymers by reaction.

3. Amino resin industry: cyclohexanone is one of the important raw materials for the synthesis of amino resin. Amino resins are widely used in coatings, клеи, packaging materials and other fields, and have good durability and adhesion properties.

4. Pesticide industry: cyclohexanone can be used in the synthesis process of pesticides, as a reaction solvent and intermediate. It can synthesize many pesticides, such as insecticides and herbicides.

5. Фармацевтическая индустрия: cyclohexanone can be used as one of the solvents in pharmaceutical preparations. It is commonly used in the pharmaceutical process for steps such as solvent extraction, crystal engineering, and drug packaging.

Многократное использование продуктов

Его использование в химическом производстве,Фармацевтическая индустрия,Текстильная промышленность,Химические исследования и разработки,Парфюмерно-вкусовая промышленность,Полиграфическая промышленность,Coatings Industry,Резиновая промышленность,Полиграфическая промышленность,

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