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Спирт этиловый

  • наименование товара: Спирт этиловый
  • Другие имена: EtOH
  • Кас Нет.: 64-17-5
  • Чистота: 99.90%
  • МФ: C2H6O
  • Появление: Бесцветная жидкость
  • Упаковка: Барабан
  • Сертификат: ИСО
  • Приложение: It has various industrial use such as Fuel,Alcohol,Chemical and other industry.
  • Образец: Доступный

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Информация о продукте

Ethanol is an organic compound, the structural formula is CH3CH2OH or C2H5OH, the molecular formula is C2H6O, commonly known as alcohol. Ethanol at room temperature and pressure is a volatile colorless transparent liquid, low toxicity, pure liquid can not be directly drunk. The aqueous solution of ethanol has a wine-like smell, and slightly pungent, sweet taste. Ethanol is flammable and its vapor can form an explosive mixture with air. Ethanol can be miscible with water in any ratio, and can be miscible with chloroform, эфир, метанол, acetone and most other organic solvents.

Параметр продукта

Синонимы absolute alcohol, алкоголь, cologne spirit, drinking alcohol, ethylic,,алкоголь, EtOH, ethyl alcohol, ethyl hydroxide, ethylene hydrate, ethylol, grain alcohol, hydroxyethane, methylcarbinol
Химическая формула C2H6O Количество CAS 64-17-5
Молярная масса 46.069 г·моль−1 Число 1170
Появление Бесцветная жидкость
Запах wine-like, pungent
Плотность 0.78945 г/см3 (в 20 °С)
Температура плавления −114.14 ± 0.03 °С (−173.45 ± 0.05 °Ф; 159.01 ± 0.03 К)
Точка кипения 78.23 ± 0.09 °С (172.81 ± 0.16 °Ф; 351.38 ± 0.09 К)
Давление газа 5.95 кПа (в 20 °С)
Кислотность (пКа) 15.9 (H2O), 29.8 (ДМСО)
Показатель преломления 1.3611
точка возгорания 14 °С (Absolute)
Растворимость вода: soluble (completely)
Растворимость в воде смешивается
Стабильность Стабильный. Substances to be avoided include strong oxidizing agents, peroxides, кислоты, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, alkali metals, ammonia, moisture. Forms explosive mixtures with air, Гигроскопичный.
log P −0.18
Условия хранения room temp



1. Beverage and food industry: Ethanol is one of the main ingredients in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and spirits. Ethanol is also used as an additive and solvent in the food and beverage industry.

2. Химическая индустрия: EtOH is widely used in the chemical industry. Его можно использовать в качестве растворителя, intermediate or reactant. Ethanol plays an important role in the manufacture of synthetic ethyl acetate, ацетон, ethylene, ether compounds, chloroform and other chemicals.

3. Pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industry: EtOH is widely used in pharmaceutical manufacturing and pharmaceutical industry. It is a common solvent that can be used to extract and purify pharmaceutical ingredients. Кроме того, ethanol is used in the preparation of drugs, drug dilution, and as an injection solvent.

4. Cleaning and disinfectant: Ethanol has disinfection and bactericidal properties, so it is often used as one of the ingredients of cleaning and disinfectant. It kills bacteria, viruses and fungi and is commonly used in hand disinfectants, sanitizers and cleaners.

5. Fuel and energy: chemical ethanol is a renewable fuel. It is widely used in the production of biodiesel, bioethanol gasoline and ethanol as a renewable energy source.

6. Laboratory applications: Ethanol is a commonly used solvent in the laboratory. It can be used to dilute, dissolve and catalyze a variety of chemical reactions.

Многократное использование продуктов

It use in Alcoholic Beverage Industry,Фармацевтическая индустрия,Cleaning and Sanitization Industry,Fuel and Energy Industry,Химическое производство,Agriculture and Agrochemical Industry,Textile and Leather Industry,

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