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2-(2-Aminoethylamino) Этанол

  • Назва прадукту: 2-(2-Aminoethylamino)этанол
  • Іншыя імёны: AEEA
  • Кас No.: 111-41-1
  • Чысціня: 99%
  • Знешні выгляд: Clear Colorless Liquid
  • Пакет: Барабан
  • Сертыфікат: ISO
  • Ужыванне: Mainly used in the production of specialty chemicals and materials
  • Узор: Даступны

Адпраўце нам ліст


6 + 2 =

Дэталь прадукту

2-(2-aminoethylamino)этанол, also known as curing agent 1, is a light yellow to yellow viscous liquid with an ammonia odor, and is non-irritating. Soluble in water and ethanol, easy to absorb moisture, can absorb carbon dioxide and water from the air, and good compatibility with epoxy resin. The volatility is smaller than ethylenediamine, the viscosity is slightly larger than ethylenediamine, and the toxicity is 6 каб 7 times lower than ethylenediamine. Commonly used as epoxy resin curing agent, with low toxicity, room temperature curing and other characteristics.

Параметр прадукту

Сінонімы N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine;N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine;AEEA
Хімічная формула NH2CH2CH2NHCH2CH2OH Нумар CAS 111-41-1
Малярная маса 104.153 г·моль−1
Знешні выгляд Clear Colorless Liquid
Пах mild ammoniacal odor
Шчыльнасць 1.03 г/см3
Тэмпература плаўлення −28 °C (−18 °F; 245 К)
Кропка кіпення 243 °C (469 °F; 516 К)
Ціск пары 0.01 mmHg at 20 °C ; 8.17×10−4mmHg at 25 °C
Кіслотнасць (pKa) pK1:7.21(+2);pK2:10.12(+1) (25°C)
Паказчык праламлення 1.4863
Тэмпература ўспышкі 132 °C (270 °F; 405 К)
Растваральнасць soluble
Растваральнасць у вадзе Soluble in water and ethanol, slightly soluble in ether.
часопіс П -2.2–1.46 у 20-25 °C and pH7-11
Умовы захоўвання Store below +30°C.



1. Polyether amine synthesis: hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine can be used as an important raw material for the synthesis of polyether amine. Polyether amines or urea compounds can be synthesized by reacting with compounds such as ether or formaldehyde. Polyether amines are widely used in synthetic resins, клеі, paints, coatings and other fields.

2. Metal ion chelating agent: AEEA has the characteristics of hydroxyl and amine groups, and can be used to complex metal ions. It can form stable complexes with metal ions, which expands the application range of some metal ions in chemical reactions, such as catalysis and load catalysis.

3. Corrosion inhibitor: chemical hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine can be used as a corrosion inhibitor to prevent the corrosion and oxidation of metals by forming chelating complexes with the metal surface.

4. Penetrant: hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine can be used as penetrant in some chemical reactions, which can promote the thorough mixing and diffusion of reactants in chemical reactions.

Шматразовае выкарыстанне прадуктаў

It use in Agrochemical Industry,Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry,Personal Care and Cosmetics Industry,Textile and Dye Industry,Water Treatment Industry,Хімічная вытворчасць,

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