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Dichloroacetyl Chloride

  • Назва прадукту: Dichloroacetyl chloride
  • Кас No.: 79-36-7
  • Чысціня: 99%
  • MF: C2HCl3O
  • Знешні выгляд: colorless fuming liquid
  • Пакет: bags
  • Сертыфікат: ISO
  • Ужыванне: It is a chemical compound primarily used in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. It is a reagent in organic chemistry that is utilized for various reactions, including the introduction of the dichloroacetyl group into molecules.
  • Узор: Даступны

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Дэталь прадукту

Dichloroacetyl chloride is an organic compound with the formula C2H2Cl2O. It is a colorless to yellowish liquid with a pungent odor. Chemical dichloroacetyl chloride is an important intermediate in organic synthesis and has been widely used in chemical synthesis and organic synthesis. It has electrophilic properties, especially suitable for alkylation, esterification, acylation and other reactions.

Параметр прадукту

Хімічная формула C2HCl3O Нумар CAS 79-36-7
Малярная маса 147.38 г·моль−1 Нумар 1765
Знешні выгляд colorless fuming liquid
Шчыльнасць 1.5315 г/см3
Тэмпература плаўлення <25 °C
Кропка кіпення 107 °C (225 °F; 380 К)
Паказчык праламлення n20/D 1.46(літ.)
Тэмпература ўспышкі 66 °C
Растваральнасць Chloroform, Hexanes
Адчувальнасць Moisture Sensitive
Умовы захоўвання 2-8°C
Стабільнасць Стабільны. Гаручы. Несумяшчальна з вадой, alcohols and oxidizing agents. Fumes in air.



1. Drug synthesis: dichloroacetyl chloride is commonly used in the synthesis of drugs and bioactive compounds. It can react with amino acids, amines and alcohols to form various organic synthesis intermediates and drugs.

2. Esterification reaction: dichloroacetyl chloride can be used as a reagent for esterification reaction to react with alcohol to produce ester compounds, which are widely used in organic synthesis.

3. Nucleophilic substitution reaction: dichloroacetyl chloride can be substituted with nucleophilic reagents such as amino acids, mercaptans, etc., to generate compounds with specific structures and activities.

4. Reagents and catalysts: dichloroacetyl chloride can be used as reagents and catalysts for catalytic and accelerator in some organic reactions.

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