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Dimethyl Sulfate

  • Назва прадукту: Dimethyl sulfate
  • Кас No.: 77-78-1
  • Чысціня: 98.5%
  • MF: C2H6O4S
  • Знешні выгляд: Colorless, oily liquid
  • Пакет: Барабан
  • Сертыфікат: ISO
  • Ужыванне: It is a highly reactive and toxic chemical compound that is primarily used in the chemical industry for various applications
  • Узор: Даступны

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6 + 14 =

Дэталь прадукту

Dimethyl sulfate, з'яўляецца арганічным злучэннем, chemical formula (CH3O)2SO2, colorless or light yellow transparent liquid, slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, эфір, ацэтон, etc., mainly used as methylation reagent, solvent, can also be used in medicine, pesticides, dyes, spices and other organic synthesis.

Параметр прадукту

Сінонімы Dimethyl sulphate; Sulfuric acid dimethyl ester; Me2SO4; DMSO4; Dimethyl ester of sulfuric acid; Methyl sulfate
Хімічная формула C2H6O4S Нумар CAS 77-78-1
Малярная маса 126.13 г/моль
Знешні выгляд Colorless, oily liquid
Пах faint, onion-like
Шчыльнасць 1.33 g/ml, вадкасць
Тэмпература плаўлення −32 °C (−26 °F; 241 К)
Кропка кіпення 188 °C (370 °F; 461 К) (decomposes)
Ціск пары 0.1 мм рт.сл (20°C)
Паказчык праламлення n20/D 1.386(літ.)
Тэмпература ўспышкі 182 °F
Растваральнасць этанол: 0.26 г/мл, clear, colorless
Растваральнасць у вадзе Reacts
Стабільнасць Methanol, dichloromethane, ацэтон
часопіс П Стабільны; combustible. Несумяшчальны з моцнымі акісляльнікамі, strong bases including ammonia. Moisture-sensitive.
Умовы захоўвання 2-8°C



1. Арганічны сінтэз: Dimethyl sulfate is an important organic synthesis reagent. It can be used to synthesize organic compounds such as esters, ethers, amides and amines. Напрыклад, chemical dimethyl sulfate can be used in an esterification reaction, where an alcohol reacts with an acid to form an ester.

2. Catalyst: Dimethyl sulfate can be used as a catalyst or accelerator for some organic reactions. Напрыклад, in the esterification of potatoes catalyzed by glycolipase, dimethyl sulfate can increase the reaction rate and yield.

3. Chemical analysis: Dimethyl sulfate can be used to analyze certain reactions in chemistry. Напрыклад, it can be used for esterification in analysis, by reacting the alcohol in the sample with dimethyl sulfate to form an ester, and then for quantitative analysis.

4. Oilfield chemistry: Dimethyl sulfate has application value in oilfield chemistry. Напрыклад, it can be used as an additive to help improve the performance and stability of oil fluids produced from Wells.

Шматразовае выкарыстанне прадуктаў

Яго выкарыстоўваюць у хімічнай вытворчасці,Фармацэўтычная прамысловасць,Academic and Government Research Institutions,

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